A Kinda Funny Games Showcase was announced in place of PSX 2018. The showcase will be held on Saturday, December 8, 2018, just a few days after The Game Awards 2018 hosted by Geoff Keighley. This news follows up on Sony’s decision to not host the annual PlayStation Experience this year. The showcase hopes to feature various announcements and trailers for games on any platform.
The Kinda Funny Games Showcase was announced by Kinda Funny co-founder Greg Miller on Twitter. Included in Miller’s announcement, he put the call out to developers and publishers to let him know if they were interested in showing off their game at the event. It’s worth noting that this is an independent event from Sony’s PlayStation Experience and is simply filling the gap left by the lack of that event this year.
For those who don’t know, Kinda Funny is an independent company that is composed of two separate YouTube channels, one based around general topics and Kinda Funny Games, which is centered around the video game culture. The company was founded by former IGN staff members. It hosts a daily video game themed show called Kinda Funny Games Daily, in which various hosts go over the latest news and more.
As for the Kinda Funny Games Showcase 2018 event, several developers and publishers have already reached out showing some level of interest. The growing list currently includes the publisher of Donut County Annapurna Interactive, Devolver Digital, Noodlecake Games, Housemarque, Ysbryd Games, God of War Director Cory Barlog, Lightning Rod Games, Kitfox Games, and Team Meat.
The proposed Kinda Funny Games Showcase will take place on Saturday, December 8, 2018, just a few days after The Game Awards on December 6. Stay tuned for more information regarding what we can expect from this showcase and whether or not Shawn Layden will give us an update on PSN name changes there.