There is so much content for players to enjoy right now in Kingdom Hearts 3 like checking out the new update 1.02 patch notes as well as finding out who the voice of Woody is. Of course, some players just want to know if there is a Kingdom Hearts 3 Sephiroth appearance. That is the question that we aim to answer right here.
In this guide for Kingdom Hearts 3, we are going to go over if there is any Kingdom Hearts 3 Sephiroth appearance. After all, it certainly makes sense given he has played a role in some way in the previous main games. Better yet, there is still some unfinished business between him and Final Fantasy VII protagonist Cloud. Without further ado, let’s answer this question.
Kingdom Hearts 3 Sephiroth Appearance?
Let’s go ahead and get this right out of the way already. No, there is no Kingdom Hearts 3 Sephiroth appearance. None, nada, nope. Believe it or not, Square Enix has decided to not put him or Cloud or any of the other Final Fantasy characters in the game. That’s right, none of them make an appearance.
The only real exception to this rule is that the Moogles do make an appearance in the game. But even then, it’s just as the shop owners and they don’t have much to say at all. What is even more bizarre about all of this is that Sephiroth still had a bit of storyline to wrap up in this game.
Worse still, you do visit Olympus in Kingdom Hearts 3 so it certainly feels right for at least him and Cloud to make an appearance even if no one else does. But it doesn’t happen. There are some difficult endgame challenges that you do get but Sephiroth is not one of them, which is a darn shame in our opinion.