Update: Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Launch Trailer is Live. Watch here.
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is only a week away. Next week, we’ll be facing brand-new challenges on the Moon once again. The new raid in Shadowkeep that is – Garden of Salvation, will be going live on Saturday 5, October 2019, along with the new 6-player matchmade activity – Vex Offensive. So, a lot of players will be grinding to get raid-ready on October 5th when the Raid launches. Bungie just revealed that the final Launch trailer for Destiny 2 Shadowkeep will be going live later today (Tuesday, September 24, 2019).
Shadowkeep Launch Trailer Incoming
There have been many trailers for Shadowkeep to this date. Last week, Bungie released another ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond, which unveils a ton of new information on what Bungie is planning for Destiny 2’s future. This Launch Trailer for Shadowkeep will go live on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, at 9 AM Pacific.
Shadowkeep is packed with a lot of new features like Armor 2.0, Finisher Moves, New Universal Ornaments, Exotic Quests, and Nightmare Hunts. In the recent ViDoc, Bungie revealed that there will be a new Nightfall mode called – Nightfall: Ordeal. This new model will contain the most difficult enemies in Destiny 2 and comes with higher difficulty levels up to “Legend.” On October 29, Bungie will be releasing the new Dungeon for Shadowkeep takes place ‘deep within the Moon. We’ll fight our way down to this into the depths of this chasm with all kind of traps on the way’, says Katherine Walker (Producer at Bungie).

I, for one, am so excited for this new installment to the Destiny franchise and can’t wait to get my hands on this new expansion. I will be writing a Shadowkeep preparation guide this week, so keep an eye out for that. It will focus on how you’ll be able to level up fast to hop in the Raid on its first day.
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep will be hitting PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, on October 1, 2019, and later in November on Google Stadia.