Elder Scrolls Legends Will Lose Twitch Drops – Though They Will Be Back

Several months ago, Sparkypants Studios took over development and control of The Elder Scrolls Legends from Dire Wolf Digital. Since then, the new studio has been revising the game to make it a better experience for gamers. Sparkypants Studios is still working on a huge overhaul of Elder Scrolls Legends which has no official release date. However, among the changes which the studio is making is the removal of The Elder Scrolls Legends’ Twitch Drop program.

What’s Happening to The Elder Scrolls Legends Twitch Drop Program

Like many games popular with Twitch streamers, including The Elder Scrolls Online, Legends has had a Twitch Drops program. This allows players who watch official or affiliated streams on Twitch to earn bonus in-game rewards. The system was recently expanded for The Elder Scrolls Online, which has a sizeable “Stream Team” of affiliated streamers.

Elder Scrolls Legends Twitch Drop Schedule Set to End

In a recent update on the official Elder Scrolls Legends’ website, the Twitch team announced the end of several Twitch Drop campaigns; “In our continuing efforts to improve The Elder Scrolls: Legends for all users,” states the update; we will be removing the ongoing Twitch Drop campaigns. Our team is currently working closely with our new developers at Sparkypants to identify opportunities for all-new Twitch Drop features that offer a more meaningful and rewarding experience for players. In the meantime, Twitch Drops will still be available to streamers and viewers of Legends during special events such as our official weekly stream and select tournaments and presentations.”

So, while players will still be able to claim Twitch Drops on official Bethesda and Sparkypants Studios streams, they will no longer be able to claim Twitch Drops from affiliated streams. The update concluded that the studio would aim to bring the campaign back at some stage; “Supporting our live streamers is a top priority,” it states; “so be on the lookout for new promotions and giveaway opportunities by following Legends on Twitter, Facebook, and by watching on Twitch. Thank you for your patience – we look forward to bringing back a Twitch Drop program that’s better than ever!”