Lu Bu has a fearsome reputation as the greatest warrior of the entire Three Kingdoms era; a terrifying and temperamental warrior who served numerous lords during the period until he met his end. While the character has received some very over-the-top portrayals in games like Dynasty Warriors, his recent portrayal in Total War: Three Kingdoms has been somewhat more realistic. However, it seems that his abilities in combat are still extreme; according to a recent infographic released by Creative Assembly, Lu Bu has scored more kills than any other character in the game. A massive total of over 34,000,000!
New Infographic Reveals Huge Figures From Total War: Three Kingdoms’ First Month
To mark the scale of the game’s success since launch, Creative Assembly released a new infographic which includes a variety of amazing figures. For instance, the total number of battles fought in-game, when the infographic was put together, was 329,277,764! When it comes to individual characters, Lu Bu has certainly proven his title as the “Warrior Without Equal”; the fearsome warrior has gotten 34,524,756 kills! On average, the terrifying general got 363.4 kills per battle; a staggering figure on its own, even if many players are playing with extreme unit sizes!
While Lu Bu may be the most blood-soaked general around, he actually isn’t the general to win the most victories. That accolade belongs to Zheng Jiang, a faction leader and another particularly fearsome duellist, who has won 192,779 victories! While that is the highest number of wins for a single general, her faction actually doesn’t have the highest win rate. In fact, the highest faction win rate is 82.2% and belongs to Liu Bei, which does make sense. After all, Liu Bei’s easier start position and name recognition likely makes him a top pick for many players’ first campaigns. As a result, many players probably fought easier, early-game battles as Liu Bei.

When it comes to units, trebuchets are apparently the best value for money, averaging 142 kills per unit. The most used unit, on the other hand, were Archer Militia, who have been used 2.8 million times! This isn’t exactly surprising. As the most basic ranged unit in the game, Archer Militia are available for every general to recruit into their retinue. For armies that lack a Strategist, Archer Militia are often the only bow unit available. Finally, the most blood-soaked region is reportedly Dong commandery; 3,546,274 battles have taken place in this territory alone!