Mad Box Controller Concept Design Revealed by Slightly Mad Studios

Slightly Mad Studios continues showing concept designs for the Mad Box game console. After the announcement was made a few weeks ago; the console’s initial design was unveiled. Unfortunately, it was panned by the community. However, Slightly Mad Studios quickly showed that they are willing to provide great competition to the main three console manufacturers. In addition, Slightly Mad Studios will now showcase the design of the Mad Box Controller.

Slightly Mad’s Mad Box Controller Design Revealed

The Mad Box Controller has been unveiled by Slightly Mad Studios

Now, The Mad Box’s controller was revealed by Ian Bell, the CEO of Slightly Mad Studios. Like the console, the controller has a futuristic design going for it. The most important aspect of it is definitely the fact that it mimics the Xbox One Controller design. However, it does look a bit less comfortable and also heavier.

The Mad Box Controller looks to take inspiration from the Xbox One Controller

Another important aspect about the new Mad Box controller design is the screen on the front. Some players might expect to have something like the WIiU’s gamepad. However, this display works more as an additional HUD that shows important information to the player. In fact, one of the pictures shows a keyboard, implying it’s a touchscreen.

The Mad Box Controller displays information and has a touchscreen

Other aspects that will be shown on the controller are the battery life, internet connection, and in-game information. According to the design, the Mad Box controller will also have rear pads and precision triggers as well. The overall aesthetic of the controller fits with the rest of the console.

Rear Pads and Precision Triggers

However, like the previous console design, the controller design might be subject to change. This is because a lot of players might find the controller bulky or not adequate to their demands. Not only that, but there could also be problems with the fact that the controller’s LED display and touchscreen.

What do you think about the Mad Box Controller design? Are you looking forward to seeing the console in action in the near future? What would you change about the Mad Box so far? Let us know your thoughts on the VGR Forums and stay tuned for more news and updates.