It’s time for another blast from the past for the Madden Ultimate Team content. On Monday, November 18, EA’s Madden Twitch revealed a pair of brand new Madden 20 Flashbacks cards. The latest entries into the ongoing series of MUT content are quarterback Jameis Winston and linebacker Preston Smith. We’ve got the latest details on their new cards and potential costs to get them on your MUT roster.
Winston, Smith get new Madden 20 Flashbacks cards
Current Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston gets one of the Madden 20 Flashbacks cards based on a Week 11 game in his 2011 rookie NFL season. During the particular matchup, the former Florida State QB threw 19-of-29 passes for 246 yards and an impressive five touchdowns. That led to the Buccaneers defeating Philadelphia, 45-17.
It’s now led to a Flashbacks card with a 91 overall rating for Winston. Amongst the key attributes are 91 Throw Accuracy Short, 89 Throw Power, and 89 Throw Under Pressure.
Joining him with a 91 OVR Madden 20 Flashbacks card is former Washington Redskins linebacker, Preston Smith. The 6-foot-5 right outside linebacker has 90 Power Moves, 88 Acceleration, and 86 Play Recognition included in his attributes.
Where to find the Smith & Winston items
The Madden 20 Flashbacks cards are available in a few ways. One of those is through the purchase of Flashback packs at Madden Ultimate Team Store. Current costs for those packs is 2,470 Madden Training. Each pack contains one random Flashbacks player, so it’s always a gamble whether one gets the player they want.
To get the player one wants without buying a lot of packs means heading to the Madden Auction Browser. However, costs can run high, unless you’re skilled at bidding to get in on a good price. As of this report, both Winston and Smith’s items have shown up in auction listings on PS4 with bids and “buy now” prices for Madden Coins.
Just one Winston Flashbacks card was in the auction listings for 155,600 Coins at “Buy Now” or for a 155,300 starting bid. For Preston Smith, there were three cards on the Auction Browser. They ranged from 136,000 to 148,250 Coins for buying or bidding on. One of the listings shown below closed at the lower end with one bidder getting the card.

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