With Madden 21 defense controls, you’ll want to be able to react to what you’re seeing on the field and adjust. That may involve setting up a double-team on a player such as a receiver or a halfback that’s going off. It may also mean setting up your defensive line to better defend against certain plays and players. Being able to shift your defensive line pre-snap is an essential skill. Here’s how to do it on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.
How to shift defensive line pre-snap with Madden 21 defense controls
After you call your defensive play, you’re able to make all sorts of adjustments to your defense once you line up on the field. This is usually essential because you’ll notice things with the offense and might be on to the type of play they have coming. In those instances, you want to adjust your Madden 21 defense to best defend against the run or the QB’s preferred side of the field he scrambles to, for example.
You’ll want to use Shift D-Line options shown in the screenshot below.
To shift your defensive line pre-snap, do the following on the controller:
- Press the Right Stick (RS) in on the PS4/Xbox One controller to bring up defensive pre-play options. An on-screen menu pops up in the lower right (or left) corner of the screen.
- Press to Left on the directional pad to choose “defensive line” options.
- You’ll see the following on-screen controls which involve moving the Left Stick (LS) on the PS4 controller in different directions.
Right – Shifts defensive line towards Right.
Left – Shifts defensive line towards Left.
Up – Spread defensive line farther apart.
Down – Pinch or move defensive line in closer together.
The video clip below shows the D-Line and how they move on field or adjust to the different shifting options pre-snap.
As with several of our other Madden guides, we recommend heading into the exhibition mode to “Practice” and flip sides for the ball. Set up some plays and practice the above to get comfortable with these Madden 21 defense controls. That way you can do the d-line shifts quickly in real competition.
Other defense adjustment tips ahead of snap
Obviously, the four options above each have some ideal situations to use them in. For example, you may be up against a short-yardage situation where the offense is trying to get a yard for their first down. Pinching the defensive line closer together could make sense to prevent a QB sneak or fullback from pushing through the center area to get that down.
Or you may find that your opponent is continuing to run the ball towards one side of the field more because they’re used to it. You can shift your defensive line to keep your defenders towards that side and get to the player carrying the ball faster. There are plenty of reasons to shift your defensive line to adjust as the game goes forth.
It’s also worth noting that you can use the Circle button PS4 or B on the Xbox One controller to cycle through your defensive players. Once you’ve got the circle highlight around the defensive player you want to adjust, you can use the Left Stick on your controller to move just them on the field. That will allow you to position certain players best.
Also, check out the video below. It covers Madden 20, where much of the controls are similar to Madden 21 defense controls.
Check out our other guide for how to double-team in Madden 21, if you need to provide tighter coverage on a WR or HB. In addition, if you need help with icing the kicker, see our Madden guide here.
For more guides about Madden 21, visit our Madden page here.