With the upcoming launch of Apex Legends Season 6, Respawn may not be planning to add a new map, but they are planning some major changes to the World’s Edge map. From the new Launch Site to an all-new Hammond Robotics facility, World’s Edge will have more expansive zones than ever when Season 6 begins.
World’s Edge: Apex Legends Season 6 Map Changes
According to Respawn, the studio’s goal in Season 6 was to; “inject some ‘newness’ into the game,” with particular attention paid to map rotations and improving map layouts. The first new addition according to this goal is Launch Site, a major new Hammond Robotics structure. Located west of The Dome, Launch Site sits where once was simply an open lava field and is tall enough to be visible from far across the map. Respawn has designed Launch Site to be a key new landing spot for players at the start of a match.

Another big new addition is Countdown, a new Hammond site which replaces Drill Site on World’s Edge. This facility is much larger than Drill Site, with 3 huge blast walls which players can activate (see below). There is also a central pit which players can open to gain access to loot, although entering it may leave you exposed to ambush from above.
Staging is a third new area on World’s Edge, added in a site near the centre of the map. It’s close by the location where the Mirage Voyage has been, although that ship has now departed the map. In addition to these three new map sites, Respawn has also added a new mechanic to the map; namely, Rising Blast Walls. These are in all of the new zones. Essentially, by activating a panel, you can cause a defensive wall to rise from the ground. This wall will then offer cover from a particular direction.
Finally, one other big change has been made to World’s Edge; the train has been stopped. The pieces of the train have been broken up and scattered around the map. As such, the train will no longer be running. This change means that the tunnels which the train used to pass through now contain a variety of cover, including static train cars, as well as loot.