Following the release of the Ranger Update back in March, 4A Games has revealed their DLC roadmap for Metro Exodus. This roadmap covers the content included in the game’s Expansion Pass, and will feature two major content releases. Both will be story-driven Metro Exodus DLC. Both releases will be free for owners of the Expansion Pass and available for purchase individually as well.
The Two Colonels: Metro Exodus DLC #1
Rather than continuing Artyom’s story in the Metro Exodus DLC, 4A Games are taking the opportunity to tell other stories. At present, the studio hasn’t announced release dates. However, the first DLC will release sometime in the summer and will be called The Two Colonels. Players will take on the role of Colonel Khlebnikov, an inhabitant of Novosibirsk. “All is not well with the people here,” explains 4A Games; “the slime is further consuming the tunnels, mutant attacks appear to be on the rise and the precious ‘green stuff’ that protects people from radiation poisoning is running low. In order to secure the survival of any of the people, those in charge may need to take drastic measures.”

According to the studio, The Two Colonels will follow Khlebnikov’s story through Novosibirsk’s final days; a journey which was re-traced by Colonel Miller one year later in Metro Exodus’ core story. The DLC will be a new linear chapter and will also feature a new flamethrower weapon. The second DLC will come in early 2020. While The Two Colonels features the sort of claustrophobic, subterranean gameplay which fans are most familiar with, the second DLC, “Sam’s Story,” will be a new sandbox survival level.
Sam’s Story: Metro Exodus DLC #2
This new area is based on Vladivostok; “Sam, a US marine at the Moscow embassy before the bombs were dropped, has long dreamed of returning to his homeland,” says 4A Games; “and maybe finding his family alive. The prospect seemed impossible in the darkened tunnels of the Metro, but when the Spartans discovered that Moscow was not the only city left alive after the war, holding out hope didn’t seem so foolish anymore.”

In this second DLC, players will play as Sam, another member of the Spartans. While searching for some way to travel to America, he has come to the harbours of Vladivostok, left devastated by a tsunami. Details are sparse, but it sounds as though this level will be similar to the more open-world areas in Metro Exodus.