Mirage Gets an Important Buff in the Apex Legends Fight Night Update

The Apex Legends Fight Night Collection Event is due to launch tomorrow on the 5th of January, bringing with it a host of new event content, along with a quiet meta and bug-fixing update. Although it comes in the form of a fix and not an Apex Legends meta change, Mirage will be getting a major buff once it goes live.

The Apex Legends Mirage Buff Coming Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s Fight Night update includes several quality-of-life changes for Apex Legends, a small meta update, and a selection of bug-fixes. In the meta portion of the patch, both Caustic and Rampart will be getting minor buffs. However, it turns out that Mirage will also be getting a notable improvement, just not in the form of a meta adjustment. Included in the update’s bug-fixes is a note that explains that Mirage’s decoys will be getting audible footsteps.

Apex Legends Mirage Update Fight Night

For some time now, this lack of footstep sounds has been thought to be intentional. After all, it does make some sense if the decoys are holographic. However, it seems that this was actually a bug rather than a developer choice; the decoys are meant to have audible footsteps. Now they will, just as soon as the update goes live tomorrow. While it doesn’t change any of Mirage’s numerical traits, this serves as a significant utility buff. After all, it will now be much harder to identify the real Mirage.

This change also opens up new uses for Mirage’s Decoys. After all, their footsteps can now serve as audio decoys in their own right. Sending a decoy down a hallway out of sight of enemy players could now give those lying in wait the impression that someone is approaching, even before they see the fake; a valuable tool to have in your arsenal. It remains to be seen whether this will prove a major improvement for Mirage. However, it could cause some players to reconsider his usefulness going forward.