With the upcoming launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 6, players will be able to unlock two new Operators, both of whom will be included with the Season 6 Battle Pass. Season 6 sees the introduction of two more characters from Modern Warfare’s single-player campaign; Farah and Nikolai.
Modern Warfare Season 6 Operators: Farah
If you’ve played the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare solo story campaign, you should be familiar with Farah. In addition to being one of the playable characters, Farah is the founder and leader of the Urzikstani Liberation Force. However, this iteration of Farah is from some time after the end of the campaign. As such, she’s more experienced and more battle-hardened, and is now working alongside Chimera.

“She’s an exceptional soldier and leader that’s known a lifetime of war,” writes Activision; “Her skills have been further honed with additional training with the SAS, and she’s led dangerous missions to fight off Al-Qatala forces and other regimes stationed in her country.” According to Activision, Farah joined Chimera after the conclusion of the Modern Warfare campaign. Players will unlock Farah instantly at Tier 0 of the Season 6 Battle Pass.
Modern Warfare Season 6 Operators: Nikolai
The second new Operator coming in Modern Warfare Season 6 is Nikolai, another character from the single-player story campaign. While Farah will be unlocked automatically at Tier 0, players will have to get all the way to Tier 100 in the Season 6 Battle Pass to unlock Nikolai, the Russian leader of Chimera. This organisation is a private military company within the Allegiance – a faction to which both Farah and Nikolai belong.

“A long-time friend to Captain Price,” explains Activision; “Nikolai initially worked with Price, Kamarov, and Kate Laswell to build the Armistice to stop the rise of a new AQ. After the Armistice collapse, Nikolai now takes the battle in his own hands to stop Zakhaev.” Both of these new Operators will be available once Season 6 launches on the 28th of September.