Mortal Kombat 11 Controls

Once you learn the controls for Mortal Kombat 11, they should become second nature. You will not have to think too much about which button to push. You will just think “front punch,” “back kick,” “throw,” and so forth. But you will not get to that point right away. As a newbie, you might find yourself having to check the controls time and again, or mixing them up with he controls for different games. To help you get oriented, we are offering a simple, fast chart of all Mortal Kombat 11 controls.

Here are All the Mortal Kombat 11 Controls

Below is the chart, which tells you what controls you need to push to execute each move whether you are on PS4, Xbox or Switch.

Front PunchSquareXY
Back PunchTriangleYX
Front KickXAB
Back KickCircleBA
Flip StanceL2LTZL
Fatal BlowR2 + L2RT + LTZR + ZL
Mortal Kombat 11 Controls

In addition to these controls, we recommend that you take a look at some of the options such as Krushing Blows Held Check, Button Shortcuts, Input Shortcuts, Release Check, Input Window Timing, and Alternate Control, all of which can impact how the controls work.

Selecting settings that are intuitive for you will make it easier to train your brain and muscles to interface with the game. You’ll be more successful as you play, and you will internalize the controls more quickly. Once you do, you may rarely if ever need to reference this chart in the future.

We hope you found this guide to the Mortal Kombat 11 controls useful. But it is not our only controls guide. You might also want to check out our guides to NBA 2K22 shooting controls and Madden 22 running controls. Check back with us again in the future for more controls guides for different games as well as additional guides, rumors and news for the Mortal Kombat series.