Mysterious Countdown Appears to Tease Missile Launch on Fortnite’s Nintendo Switch

It looks like something big is about to happen in Fortnite, once more, just like the hubbub that happened surrounding the meteors that ended up falling in the game before. On the Nintendo Switch version of the game, players have found and are reporting a television screen with a countdown on it has appeared in-game. It looks like it’s slowly ticking down to zero, and the timer will get there as of June 19. What could this countdown be pointing to, and why did it suddenly come out of nowhere? It’s a mystery indeed, and we’ve got our eyes on it.

Right now, it looks like only Nintendo Switch players are getting these countdowns, with PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and mobile players devoid of them. It’s unclear why all of a sudden only one platform would feature something that the others don’t since there’s parity among all systems, but we’re down for the ride, whatever ends up happening.

This could be related to the “Evil Lair” that recently came to the game, including new holograms, and the giant rocket that was discovered near the end of the season. Considering the fact that only Nintendo Switch users are seeing this, however, it begs the question of whether this could all possibly be related to the debacle with PlayStation 4 accounts. Or maybe Nintendo is offering Switch-specific content?

Fortnite Season 4 Challenges

We’re not quite sure what to think right now, but in the next few days all will be revealed, and like all the prior Fortnite hubbub that happened with the last season ahead of the meteor, you can bet there’ll be more craziness happening in the next few days, especially leading up to the big reveal. We’ll keep you updated as things roll out of the game, that’s for sure.