The NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 developers recently revealed a brand new feature for the game that will allow gamers to customize courts. That means no more using the same old courts in the game, as now it’s possible to create special courts to compete on. Here are more details about the NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Court Editor feature and how to change and customize your courts.
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Court Editor unveiled
A major alert arrived from the NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Twitter on Friday (Mar. 15) to let gamers know of the newest feature available. It’s called Court Editor and looks dazzling when put to use based on the promotional video they released. Check out the thirty-second clip to get a look at the editor in action.
NEW FEATURE ALERT 🚨 Customize and build your own courts in #Playgrounds2! Open Court Packs to build a new Playground or edit some of your favorite existing Playgrounds! 🔧🚀
— NBA 2K Playgrounds (@2KPlaygrounds) March 15, 2019
The new Court Editor feature is immediately available once you launch the NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 game on your preferred platform. It won’t require being connected online or any cost, at least not right away.
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2: How to change, edit, & customize courts
When you start up NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 on your console, you’ll see the Court Editor as part of the main screen. Upon going into the Court Editor feature, you’ll have three slots available for different courts. Each of these will be a saved court based on your customizations. Start with the first one to get a feel for what’s available.
A court will pop up and become different shades of blue. The exception will be that each customization item will flash in a bright orange color. So the first customization item you should see is the Basket on either end of the court. Click X on the PS4 controller (A on Xbox One) to select it and choose to modify this aspect of your court.
Here are all of the customization options they have when you launch the editor:
- Basket – 17 options
- Court Floor – 55 options
- 3 Point Zone – 69 options
- The Key – 70 options
- Court Lines – 35 options
- Logo – 10 options
- Crowd – 5 options
- LED Banner – 28 options
That’s a lot of possible customization options! Unfortunately, you won’t have them all when you first use the editor. For that, you’ll need to spend a bit of your coins in Playgrounds 2.
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 Court Editors: Court Packs
You’ll need to acquire other items through Court Packs in the game. Court Packs are available in the Get Packs area of NBA 2K Playgrounds 2. They cost 350 coins per pack. Each pack contains three items to use for decorating your court.
As shown below, packs include a random assortment of items. The yellowish/orange shading on the court on the cards tells you what court item you’re getting. The ball above it shows you the pattern/design for that item that you’re getting.
As you go through and change various parts of your court design, you can press Triangle on PS4 or Y on the Xbox One controller to preview your court. Once it’s all set, simply press Circle (PS4) or B (Xbox One) and you’ll back out to the Save area with your Courts. It should autosave your design. Remember, you’ve got three slots, so you can make a few different designs.
That’s really all there is to it, as you can make some fun new designs to give your NBA 2K Playground 2 experience a more unique feel. It’s going to be interesting to see what designs gamers come up with using this new feature!
Check out our how to unlock the full roster in Playgrounds 2. Also, see more of VGR’s NBA 2K news here!