NBA 2K20 MyTeam Spotlight Challenge: How to Get Pink Diamond Andre Drummond Reward

Last week, NBA 2K20 MyTeam unveiled the newest Spotlight Series I packs. These packs featured former All-Star guard and champion Isiah Thomas of the Detroit Pistons as the headliner. There were a number of great Spotlight Series players in the Isiah packs, but a pretty sweet reward available as well. Here’s how to get the Andre Drummond Pink Diamond Reward in NBA 2K20 MyTeam Spotlight Challenge.

How to get NBA 2K20 MyTeam Spotlight Challenge Reward

The release of Isiah Thomas Spotlight Series also brought his new challenge to the game. The ultimate reward for completing the challenges is the Andre Drummond card. Here’s how to achieve that Pink Diamond card.

NBA 2K20 MyTeam gamers need to head into the mode and then scroll through the top menu options to “Single Player” and then “Challenges.” Choose the “Spotlight Challenges” and then scroll to the “Spotlight: Isiah Thomas” option. This should take you into a series of different challenges involve Isiah Thomas’ All-Star career.

nba 2k20 myteam spotlight series challenge for isiah thomas

There are a total of 17 different challenges involved in the Spotlight: Isiah Thomas challenge. Each challenge has a difficulty level ranging from Rookie to Superstar. As you defeat each of these, you’ll receive a different reward such as NBA 2K20 MyTeam player cards and MyTeam Tokens.

Defeat Isiah Thomas Challenges to earn 2K20 rewards including Drummond

You’ll need to defeat the series of Isiah Thomas Challenges to achieve that Drummond reward. Here are all 17 of the NBA 2K20 MyTeam challenges with their difficulty levels and the rewards you’ll earn along the way:

  1. Intro Challenge – Rookie – Sapphire Isiah Thomas
  2. 31 and 11 – Pro – 200 MT
  3. All-Star Duo – Pro – 400 MT
  4. 85 All-Star – All-Star – 600 MT
  5. 25 Assists – All-Star – x3 Tokens
  6. Rewrite History: Triple Double – Rookie – Sapphire Dennis Jonson
  7. All-Star MVP – All-Star – 1,000 MT
  8. Playoff High in Assists – All-Star – 800 MT
  9. Vs. Celtics – Superstar – x6 Tokens
  10. Dominance – All-Star – 1,200 MT
  11. First Finals – Superstar – 1,500 MT
  12. Bad Boys vs. MJ – Superstar – 1,500 MT
  13. First Title – Superstar – 1,800 MT
  14. Back to Back – Superstar – Ruby Buck Williams
  15. Reverse History Three-Peat – Superstar – 2,500 MT
  16. Final Playoffs – Superstar – 5,000 MT
  17. Career Finale – Superstar – 7,500 MT

Keep in mind that you can’t skip ahead to challenges, so you’ll have to defeat one to unlock the next. So they’ll go in order from No. 1 through No. 17. However, some of the player items you win along the way will be useful in the next challenges.

Defeating all 17 of the challenges will bring a lot of MT, some nice cards and a few Tokens to spend too. The top reward is that prized Pink Diamond Andre Drummond card with a 96 overall rating for your NBA 2K20 MyTeam roster!

Get more of VGR’s latest NBA 2K news and help with the basketball game. For details about the NBA 2K20 MyTeam mode, visit the official 2K site.