So far, Infinity Ward and Activision have given fans three opportunities to try out Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. First in the Alpha event, and now in the two Beta weekends. Each event has revealed both new and old game modes to players. However, it’s the new modes that have really drawn attention; everything from Gunfight to Ground War and beyond. Thus far, Infinity Ward has revealed five new Modern Warfare game modes which will be available upon release. Click here to check out all of the new maps which have been revealed for the game too.
New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Modes – Cyber Attack
The first of these new Modern Warfare game modes was revealed during the first Beta weekend; Cyber Attack. In this team-based mode, the teams compete to claim an EMP and plant it at their opponent’s data centre. Each player has just a single life, but can be revived by teammates after being downed. A team wins once all their opponents are dead, or they successfully detonate the EMP. Once it’s planted, players have a short window to defuse the EMP.

According to Activision, the new mode is based on Search & Destroy. However, it changes things up by introducing the ability to revive players, and changing the spawn locations for both teams and the EMP itself. Interestingly, the EMP also has an integrated Heartbeat Monitor, so it can be used to pinpoint enemies. Additionally, you can carry it and still fire a weapon, so you won’t be defenceless while holding it.
New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Modes – Gunfight
Gunfight is the smallest of the new game modes coming to Modern Warfare. It was the very first new mode revealed for the game, and the only mode available in the Alpha event. In form, Gunfight features two teams of two players each competing in very short rounds to eliminate the others. Players have only a single life each, making rounds exceedingly quick. (A time limit is also enforced, with the game transitioning into an objective capture mode after a certain duration.)

Gunfight features at least five unique maps which have been shown off so far; Docks, King, Pine, Speedball, and Stack. It’s unknown whether other modes will also make use of these maps, but they are clearly designed for the close-quarters and small scale of Gunfight. Of course, Infinity Ward is likely saving a few modes for release, so it’s possible that other mode options may be available for these smaller maps.
New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Modes – Ground War
In stark contrast to Gunfight is, of course, Ground War, a new game mode introduced to the second Beta weekend yesterday. In the words of Activision, Ground War; “takes the Call of Duty experience and scales it up for 20v20 and even 32v32 warfare”. Like Gunfight, Ground War has its own maps, although only one has been revealed so far; Karst River Quarry. Functionally, the mode isn’t actually much different to a standard game of Domination, just on a larger scale. Players will need to work together to take five flag positions on the map to win.
New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Modes – NVG and Realism Modes
In addition to Cyber Attack, Gunfight, and Ground War, two other modes have been revealed for Modern Warfare, although these two are more like variant modifiers than true modes. The first of these is NVG Mode. “Multiple maps within the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer map pool have Night variants,” explains Activision; “While the map design for these locales are the same, the variant version of these maps requires the use of Night Vision Goggles – NVGs – to see in the dark.”

As a result, NVG Mode can apply to any game mode which features Night map variants in its playlist. When players spawn into a night map, their goggles will activate automatically. Players can remove the goggles while playing, and while doing so makes it very difficult to see, bright light can temporarily blind you while you’re wearing the goggles. “You pretty much have to use night vision,” explains Infinity Ward’s Geoff Smith; “but there are some locations where you can turn on a light switch and blind a guy wearing NVGS.”
The other new mode is Realism, which is only available on certain specific playlists. Like NVG Mode, Realism stacks on top of other game modes, although in its case it is only available for Team Deathmatch. (Though it could come to other modes after launch.) The effects of Realism are similar to those of Hardcore mode in some previous Call of Duty titles. The mode removes the game’s HUD, including the bullet counter, killstreak metre, compass, and reticle. Additionally, weapons deal notably more damage in Realism mode, making players much more vulnerable to gunfire. With the addition of friendly fire, this mode can be very lethal indeed.