Ikit Claw is one of the two new Legendary Lords coming in The Prophet and The Warlock; the next big Total War: Warhammer 2 DLC which will launch tomorrow, on the 17th of April. In Creative Assembly’s latest Let’s Play video, the studio gives fans a look at the options available to the insane Warlock-Engineer; including Doom Rockets, new units, and the catastrophic Doomsphere!
Ikit Claw and More Available in The Prophet and The Warlock
Alongside Tehenhauin, the new Lizardmen Legendary Lord, Ikit Claw is the other new Legendary Lord coming in The Prophet and The Warlock. A mad Warlock-Engineer from Clan Skryre, Claw wears the Iron Frame, a suit of warpstone-fuelled power armour. Indeed, his upgrade tree offers a wide variety of abilities related to upgrading the Iron Frame, giving him access to assets like a Retractable Arm-Blade, and even a Jetpack! He can also ride into battle on either one of the new Doom-Flayers, or a powerful personal Doomwheel.
Ikit Claw isn’t just a fearsome combatant, however. His faction has access to a uniquely destructive Skaven superweapon; the Doomsphere. The Doomsayer Update, which launches for free alongside the DLC, adds a new Skaven mechanic called the Under-Empire; a system which allows Skaven factions to build hidden settlements beneath the settlements of other factions, complete with new building chains. The Doomsphere is a unique building which can be built in such settlements, and it is only available to Ikit Claw. Unfortunately for whoever lives above it, the explosive potential of this weapon is extreme, to say the least!

The Prophet and The Warlock also brings a major new upgrade mechanic to the Skaven called the Forbidden Workshop. Using the new Warpstone Fuel and Food resources, the Workshop can upgrade the various Skaven mechanical units with powerful enhancements. Furthermore, as the Workshop itself is upgraded, players can gain access to special Regiments of Renown unique to campaign. These include the new “Eye-Takers” Warplock Jezails and “Death Dealers” Ratling Guns. According to Creative Assembly, these units are restricted to the campaign because; “They are simply too powerful to balance for multiplayer.”