Next week, Treyarch will be launching Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Season 2, bringing with it a huge collection of new content. Players can look forward to new experiences in Zombies and Warzone, new maps & modes, and plenty more. Among that new content will be no less than six new weapons, two of which will be available at launch.
Black Ops Cold War Season 2 – Weapons
Just as with Season 1, the first two new weapons coming next week will be unlockable via the free tiers of the Season 2 Battle Pass. The first is the FARA 83 assault rifle, which is the reward for reaching Tier 15. Among the assault rifle class, the FARA 83 is a heavy-hitter, with one of the highest rates of fire and excellent damage. Indeed, it could prove a new favourite among players, though there is an alternative for those who favour more lightweight weapons.

The LC10, a new SMG which will also be available at launch, is the reward for reaching Tier 31. According to Treyarch, the LC10 is fast and effective at mid-range, with respectable accuracy. Although its damage does pale in comparison to most other SMGs, it makes up for this with low recoil and a high rate of fire. Players who favour a skirmishing, close-range style of play may find it a useful tool to have.
The remaining four new weapons will be coming later in Season 2, and these include two new melee weapons and two firearms. In the melee category, players can look forward to getting a Machete and an E-Tool (a military-style shovel). As for firearms, both weapons are well-suited to longer-range marksmen. The first is the R1 Shadowhunter; a lightweight crossbow with solid accuracy and a range of Optic attachments. The second is the ZRG 20mm sniper rifle. This bolt-action rifle is designed for extreme long range sniping, with faster bullet velocity than any other sniper rifle and incredibly high damage. A single shot to the head, shoulders, or even chest from the ZRG 20mm will eliminate Operators instantly.