Fortnite Battle Royale has had many incredible live events that have completely changed the game. It all started with “The Blast Off” back in Season 3, which was the first Fortnite live event. Since then, Epic Games has stepped their game up and released a lot of other amazing events.
Unfortunately, there was no such event last season. Chapter 3 – Season 1 brought some fantastic additions to the game, but a live event was not one of them. However, players will most certainly get a Fortnite live event this season, and it may have already been leaked! If you don’t want the future event to be spoiled, please stop reading since this article contains potential spoilers.
The next Fortnite live event will be huge
The last Fortnite live event players witnessed was “The End” which concluded Chapter 2. Players saw the Cube Queen try to destroy the island, but The Seven saved it by flipping it over and introducing players to the whole new world. Just like many events before it, “The End” was interactive and it had an interesting story with many cutscenes.
According to leaks, the Doomsday Device may soon return to Fortnite. However, it will not be controlled by Midas this time. Instead, Dr. Slone of the IO will bring it back in an attempt to seize control over the island. Back in Chapter 2 – Season 2, Midas used this device in an attempt to control the storm. However, he caused a massive flood that covered the entire island.

It appears that the IO will be pushed to Loot Lake and surrounded by The Seven. Considering that Loot Lake from Chapter 1 was the place of many important events, we can expect the same to happen in Chapter 3. Furthermore, just like the original Loot Lake and The Agency, where Midas activated the Doomsday Device the first time, the Chapter 3 Loot Lake is located in the middle of the island.
The island is already being flooded!
Reddit user JetFindMyLlamaToo posted a screenshot of the flooded map in Fortnite. The player used an Android device to play the game, so this may have been just a glitch. However, it could also mean that Epic Games have accidentally leaked the upcoming Fortnite live event.

Considering that we have less than six weeks left in Season 2, we can expect the live event to happen in May.