One Useless Person Destroyed a PS5 Because They Can

Has your faith in humanity dropped to an all-time low in 2020? It’s about to drop even further. One particularly useless human destroyed a PS5 and made a viral video out of it. As much as we wish this sort of thing didn’t make rounds, it already has, so it is our turn to comment on it.

Some Useless Individual Destroyed a PS5 With an Industrial Shredder

The video showed up on Reddit:

The video shows a PS5 going through an industrial shredder. Apparently this person is so privileged that both their money and their PS5 have no value to them. A fun way for a sadistic individual to mock everyone who didn’t manage to buy a PS5 this year, we guess?

We get that people will do anything for attention, but here are a few facts to put this behaviour in perspective. Hundreds of millions of people on this planet live in poverty. Also, millions of tons of electronic waste go to landfills. Hopefully a fair percentage of that is recycled. But guess what? A lot of waste just sits in landfills indefinitely.

The world is filled with people who not only will never get to play a PS5, but are having trouble eating and getting clean water. Meanwhile, landfills are brimming with what far too often are usable items that are desperately needed.

So, person who destroyed a PS5 because you could, congratulations on representing the worst of humanity with your actions. The technology you destroyed had intrinsic worth. It could have provided someone capable of valuing it with countless hours of incredible gaming experiences. Instead, you’ve added the parts to our overflowing landfills and let us all know that neither PS5s nor human beings have any value to you. Petty actions like these add up to form global problems.

In happier news, Sony has promised that there will be more PS5 inventory available before the end of the year. Follow more updates on PS5 in our PlayStation news.