Pachter Says Sony “in a Good Position to Buy Warner Bros.” Assets

Recently, we reported that Microsoft is purchasing Bethesda in a move that stunned gamers everywhere. There is no way we can hear news like that without wondering if Sony has any similar plans. The company has less of a bankroll than Microsoft, but there are still lots of valuable IPs that the company could consider purchasing individually. And now, analyst Michael Pachter has said that Sony “is in a good position to buy Warner Bros.” assets.

Is Sony in a Good Position to Buy Warner Bros. Assets?

Michael Pachter was speaking with GamingBolt when he commented on Sony and Warner Bros. Interactive. Pachter said, “Their acquisitions have been smaller, like Insomniac, and those are the kinds of acquisitions that I would expect. I do think Sony is in a good position to buy Warner Bros. Interactive assets should they ever go on sale again. Depending on whether AT&T chooses to sell them, and how.”

He continued, “If they just want to license their IP out, they will probably not go with exclusivity deals, because they won’t want the games limited to just one platform, but if they sell perpetual rights to Batman or Mortal Kombat, I think those assets would be pretty cool for Sony to fold into their lineup. They already did it with Spider-Man, so we know they would be interested in something like that. I really hadn’t considered this scenario, since we had heard WB was off the table, but now that Bethesda just got bought for $7.5 billion, you have to think AT&T are thinking, ‘could we get $7 billion?’”

Pachter also talked about whether Sony might think about purchasing the Metal Gear Solid franchise from Konami. But he didn’t think that would be a viable move because Kojima wouldn’t necessarily be onboard with it.

If Sony does make any major acquisitions, WB-related or otherwise, we will let you know in our PlayStation news area.