For what feels like centuries now, we’ve been waiting around for Sony to reveal something specific about PS5 backwards compatibility. We already knew that the overwhelming majority of games would be supported, but Sony hadn’t said anything else about it since. But now, we have an update from PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan, who at least got a little more specific. He said that PS5 is backwards compatible with 99% of PS4 games.
Ryan Announced that PS5 is Backwards Compatible With 99% of PS4 Games
The Washington Post interviewed Ryan, stating, “Ryan also said that of the thousands of games tested for PS4 backwards compatibility, “99 percent” can be played on the next console.”
What exactly does “99%” mean? Well, we are guessing that it equates to something like “100%, with caveats.” Basically, you should be able to play almost any PS4 game on PS5. But some games might not be available to play on PS5 for the same reason, for example, that they may no longer be downloadable for PS4, i.e. rights issues. Mind you, that is speculation. We really don’t know why some games may fit within that “1%” slice of non-compatibility.
It seems like it would be overwhelming for Sony to release a list of compatible titles, and that it is more likely that they will put out a list of exceptions. But as of right now, that list still is not available. So, if you are buying a PS4 game that isn’t confirmed for PS5, you are rolling the dice on compatibility with your next console. Nevertheless, the odds are on your side.

What about backwards compatibility beyond PS4? Alas, despite regular rumors, Sony has yet to give a single indication that backwards compatibility could extend to PS3 and earlier games. So, we are not expecting it.
Hopefully, Sony will put out an official list of PS4 games that are not compatible with PS5 soon. Whenever that happens, we will update you in our PlayStation news.