PUBG’s Xbox One Miramar Testing Period Extended, Thanks to Server Issues

If you were caught up in some of the issues that Xbox One PUBG players encountered when PUBG Corp. made desert map Miramar available to console owners, you’ll be pleased to know the the testing period has been extended as a token of gratitude. This new round of testing will take place until 11 PM PT this evening since it went through several hiccups before anyone was able to get in and play smoothly.

The test servers were taken down after anxious players looking to try out Miramar were met with bugs, server problems, and other various issues that weren’t very becoming of a testing period, especially a short one. PUBG Corp. tweeted out that it would be temporarily taking the servers offline to fix the problems, but it ended up taking quite a bit of time out of the scheduled time period for testing. Players were understandably upset.

The next time you happen upon server issues in PUBG, don’t get upset. Catch up on some anime or play through your gaming backlog you know you’ve got growing. God of War is out — that’s an excellent choice. Right now, though, if you want to try Miramar on Xbox One, you’d better get a move on before the testing period has closed down. There should be plenty of time left tonight if you hurry up.