Red Dead Online Solo Session: How to Play Red Dead Online Solo

Now that Red Dead Online is out for everyone across all platforms, players are gearing up to find some treasure maps and gold bars. However, some players would rather play Red Dead Online solo than posse up with anyone. While this is understandable, it’s also not something easy to figure out. Given that this is an online mode, is it even possible to do that?

Though it is an online mode, there’s no surprise that some players just want to hang out by themselves. For one, other players can be griefers, destroying everything you’ve done and so on. Or worse, they could stalk you across the world map, killing you at every turn. Regardless of your reason why here’s what we know about how to play Red Dead Online solo.

How to Play Red Dead Online Solo

red dead online solo

Let’s get this right out of the way. No, you can’t play completely solo in this online mode. By that, we mean there is no way to kick every other real person out of your session and be completely alone. However, the game certainly doesn’t force you to team up with other players or even interact with them. It is possible to play without running into other players.

However, playing Red Dead Online solo like this isn’t easy. For one, there are up to 32 players in a single session so the possibility of finding another one is relatively high. Thankfully, you can occasionally see the marker of other players nearby on your map. This can make avoiding them possible if you’re quick.

Better yet, you could join a posse and simply play by yourself. While this seems contradictory, it does give you the bonus of having some backup if someone just won’t leave you alone. Thankfully, you can play every mission by yourself if you want so there’s that at least.