Red Dead Online Weight: How to Gain and Lose Weight Online

There are so many activities to do in Red Dead Online like fishing for salmon and hunting down animals. Many of these activities can allow you to cook up some vittles, which can affect your Red Dead Online weight. Depending on your actions, you can gain or lose weight as you go around the world. This affects your appearance accordingly.

Those players who checked out the base game’s singleplayer story mode will be familiar with the Red Dead Online weight system. Depending on how much you ate (or didn’t), it would affect Arthur Morgan’s body size. The same can be said for your personal created character in Red Dead Online. More weight means more health but at the cost of stamina. Here’s how to do it.

How to Gain or Lose Red Dead Online Weight

Red Dead Online weight

While you do have some say on your character’s body size at the beginning, their weight is something you determine in-game. Like we mentioned, this actually not affects your appearance but stats as well. Players who are a little on the pleasantly plump side will have a bonus to health at the cost of having less stamina.

For many players, this is a worthy tradeoff when it comes to fighting NPC’s and other players. As such, all you need to do is eat a whole lot at once. Whether you cook the food yourself or buy a bunch from the store, you are going to want to eat a lot of food all at the same time. The key is to continue doing it past healing all of your cores.

On the other hand, maybe you’re tired of being a little less athletic and want to lose the Red Dead Online weight. That’s even easier to do. All you need to do in this case is basically starve your character. If you need healing, use a tonic instead.