Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to Find a Bonnie MacFarlane Easter Egg

You meet Bonnie MacFarlane early in the original Red Dead Redemption. Mosey off the train in Armadillo, and there she is. Ms. MacFarlane helps player learn to be a cowboy, schooling John Marston on riding horses, shooting varmints and lassoing livestock.

As the game continues, she becomes a crucial figure in the plot and a vital ally to John Marston. While Bonnie is absent from the action in Red Dead Redemption 2, you can find hints of what she was up to back in 1899. Here’s a guide to finding one of those hints, an Easter egg hidden along the eastern edge of the map.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Finding the Bonnie MacFarlane Easter Egg

The Bonnie MacFarlane easter egg is just south of Van Horn Trading Post. Story missions don’t push the player to visit this little coastal town until Chapter V, but it’s the first settlement you’ll find if you follow the train tracks and coastline north from Saint Denis. When you get close, you’ll spot a large mossy boulder jutting out of the sea water.

Red Dead Redemption 2: Look for the large mossy boulder to find the Bonnie MacFarlane Easter egg.

A wooden rowboat is wrecked along the shore, and a waterlogged man is lying nearby.

Red Dead Redemption 2: This waterlogged dude marks the spot where you can find the Bonnie MacFarlane Easter egg.

Loot him and he’ll sputter back to life, shouting about Bonnie. Arthur will say something along the lines of, “Sorry fella, I thought you were gone.” The now probably dead chap will hand you a letter.

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That letter, addressed to Bonnie MacFarlane, reveals that this poor dude was the fan favorite rancher’s husband. He apologizes to her for letting things “get out of control in my head.” And he tells her that he has a dream of the two of them living together as a happy family.

He’s a long way from Armadillo, though, and in the letter he says that he’s gone to seek his fortune. It’s a bid to prove Bonnie’s disapproving father wrong about him. One that likely won’t work now that he’s a probably dead castaway.

Good luck, anyway, Bonnie’s soggy husband!