Red Dead Redemption 2 is an incredibly complex game, to the point that it can easily intimidate more casual players. It’s hard enough learning the game’s obtuse controls even once, and what if you decide to take a break? Thankfully, Rockstar prepared for that little caveat by making the game’s tutorial missions entirely replayable. Even better, replaying those missions doesn’t disrupt your main game in the slightest.
How to Replay Tutorial Missions in Red Dead Redemption 2
If you’ve stepped away from Red Dead Redemption 2 for a while, coming back can be a daunting prospect. The in-game controller button map can help you re-learn the basics, but seeing and doing are two very different things. What if you want to brush up on your stealth skills or re-familiarize yourself with the hunting system? Staring at a button layout won’t help you much there.
Fortunately for you, the game provides a means for re-learning such systems in real-time. By scrolling through the Chapter menu, you can select and replay specific missions at any time. For example, you can revisit ‘The Aftermath of Genesis’ hunting missions, or the ‘Paying a Social Call’ stealth mission. The Bronze/Silver/Gold medal system also encourages completionists to replay missions, though earning better medals is far from their only use.
Best of all, replaying missions doesn’t impact your main game in the slightest. When you decide to replay a mission, the game automatically creates a restore point. When you’re finished with the mission you’re replaying, you’re automatically taken back to your restore point no worse for wear. Just note that you can’t replay a mission if you have an active bounty or are already undertaking another mission.
Our Red Dead Redemption 2 lesser-known gameplay tips guide can help you re-familiarize yourself with the game as well. We’ve also got more specialized guides such as how to craft the Poison Arrows ammunition type for your bow.