Red Dead Redemption 2: How to Solve the Strange Man Easter Egg

It’s no secret that Red Dead Redemption 2 is chock full of unusual oddities. From ghost girls to familiar brides, RDR2 players hoping to unearth some truly bizarre Easter eggs won’t be disappointed. There’s one Easter egg in particular which requires a lot of work to complete. However, as you’ll see in this guide, putting in the work is worth the effort for uncovering the Strange Man.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Strange Man Easter Egg Walkthrough

In-between the “N” in “Lemoyne” and the Kamassa River on your map is a curious sight. You’ll notice a body of water with a piece of land jutting out which looks like a right-facing boot. On that bit of land is a small abandoned cabin, and inside that cabin further curiosities await. There are creepy references and bits of text along with, of all things, a painting.

Over the course of the game the painting becomes more and more complete, encouraging you to make periodic visits. However, the painting remains unfinished until you attain 100 percent game completion, no small task to be sure. If and when you do reach 100 percent completion, return one final time and you’ll find the painting finished. The painting depicts a portrait of a familiar-looking face: The Strange Man.

Who is The Strange Man in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Red Dead Redemption 2's Strange Man can be glimpsed in the mirror.

The Strange Man first appeared in the original Red Dead Redemption. He would make periodic visits, providing cryptic musings to the player and even giving them missions. It was eventually revealed that The Strange Man is some sort of supernatural figure and might even be the devil. The newly discovered Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter egg certainly seems to confirm that The Strange Man isn’t actually human. Indeed, looking at the mirror inside the cabin reveals the Strange Man behind you, but turn around and he’s gone.

The Strange Man’s identity and true purpose are still a mystery for the time being, but that could change. At the very least, fans of creepy Easter eggs will definitely want to investigate the Strange Man’s sophomore appearance.