Red Dead Redemption 2 Rewards Proper Horse Care

In the original Red Dead Redemption, there wasn’t much incentive to stick with a single horse. Indeed, the inherent stats assigned to each trusty steed meant that trading up for a better mount was actively encouraged. However, Rockstar is taking a different sort of approach for Red Dead Redemption 2. Maintaining a single mount will not only let you grow a sentimental bond, it will also improve your horse’s functionality.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, it pays to look after your horse.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Horse Bonding

This hands-on preview from GameSpot builds off of information that was conveyed in Red Dead Redemption 2’s recently uploaded second gameplay trailer. Apparently, sticking with and caring for a single horse will slowly raise your “bond level” with the steed. Each new level reached will unlock new perks and functionality, with a total of four levels assigned to each horse.

At bond level one, your horse won’t be super responsive to your whims and will only come when called if it’s relatively close to your position. However, at bond level two you’ll find your horse pivots quicker and can sort of “skid” through tight turns. Raising a horse’s bond level will also make it tougher and more resilient. A bond level one horse will usually bolt and flee when it hears gunfire. A bond level four horse will charge straight into the fray if called.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will likely still allow players to maintain a stable of different mounts. However, the benefits of staying loyal to a single horse will clearly outweigh the detractors. You’ll still need to put in the work to foster a close bond with your horse, but it sounds like making that effort can save your bacon when it matters most.

For more on Red Dead Redemption 2, be sure to check out the game’s debut gameplay trailer. Rockstar’s highly anticipated sequel arrives on October 26 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.