Resident Evil 2 Ghost Survivors: No Way Out Gameplay Tips

As dedicated Resident Evil 2 fans have undoubtedly discovered, the game’s Ghost Survivors DLC includes a hidden fourth gameplay scenario (link). This scenario, titled ‘No Way Out,’ pits Sheriff Daniel Cortini against a horde of zombies in a gas station showdown. Surviving the zombie onslaught is no small feat, but our gameplay tips should help you make it out alive.

Resident Evil 2 No Way Out Gameplay Tips

Resident Evil 2 No Way Out gameplay tips

Unlike the first three Ghost Survivors scenarios, No Way Out doesn’t involve any linear A-to-B travel. You’re stuck in the main gas station area the entire time and you have to fend off 100 zombies. These zombies arrive through fixed entry points in small groups, and they get tougher over time.

Along with standard zombies you also have to contend with the three new Ghost Survivors zombie types. Those types include the poison-spewing purple smoke zombies, fast-regenerating Pale Head zombies, and bullet-resistant A-Gear zombies. Thankfully, some zombies also drop backpacks filled with supplies such as weapons and healing items. Even with such supplies, though, you’ll be hard-pressed to take all 100 zombies down before they overwhelm you.

Use Your Environment

The total space you’re working with is pretty small, but you can still use it to your advantage. Zombies can be baited into the more narrow shelf areas, allowing you to more easily line up precision shots. Later on, once you find the Chemical Flamethrower, you can roast entire groups using this tactic.

Listen For Shoved-Open Doors

New zombies will slowly filter in over time, and they always shove their way through whatever door they’re using. Keep an ear out for the telltale bangs of a door being pounded on and shoved open. Doing so can help mitigate the risk of a zombie ambushing you from behind.

Always Be Reloading

Your default pistol has unlimited ammo, but it still needs to reload when the clip is empty. Get in the habit of reloading after every engagement so you always have a fresh clip ready to go. The last thing you want is a zombie bearing down on you while your pistol clip is empty.

Discard Weapons as Needed

Throughout the 100-zombie gauntlet, you’ll actually find multiples of some weapons like the Spark Shot. If an empty weapon is taking up precious inventory space, you’re usually better off discarding it. Chances are the next backpack zombie you kill will have a fresh new weapon waiting.

For more Resident Evil 2 guide content, be sure to check out our Rebecca Chambers easter egg guide.