For the last few months, a certain movement exploit has become increasingly popular in Apex Legends. Known as “tap-strafing,” this exploit allows players to change their trajectory while in the air, without any loss of speed. Respawn has now announced its intention to patch this exploit out of the game in an upcoming patch.
Apex Legends Will Remove “Tap-Strafing” Exploit
Tap-strafing is a relatively subtle movement exploit which can nonetheless provide players with a notable advantage in Apex Legends. Typically, when a player attempts to change their direction while in the air, the change results in a drop in speed. However, by manipulating the movement controls in a certain way, players have discovered a way to avoid this drop completely. As a result, players can tap-strafe to bounce between different trajectories easily with zero disadvantage.

Of course, the developers at Respawn did not intend for this movement trick to be a gameplay feature. Now that it has come to light, the studio is planning to remove it. According to Respawn, tap-strafing will no longer be usable with the launch of Apex Legends patch 10.1. The studio highlighted the fact that tap-strafing can’t be countered in their reasoning for the removal. “It’s inaccessible,” they explain; “lacks readability/counterplay, and is exacerbated by movement abilities”. Interestingly, the decision to remove tap-strafing was apparently a matter of; “much consideration and debate,” implying that Respawn considered whether there was any serious value of leaving it in.
The third reason – that certain abilities exacerbate the impact of tap-strafing – is perhaps the most problematic element. When synergised with abilities which allow players to bound into or through the air (such as jump-pads or grapple hooks) can allow players to exploit tap-strafing in ludicrous ways.
When Patch 10.1 releases, the studio has said that further details about tap-strafing and its removal will be released. However, it’s currently unknown when the patch will release.