Tomorrow, Battlefield 5 players will once again be able to play Rush, though as per usual, it won’t be around for long. The Battlefield 5 Rush mode first came to the mode in the early chapters of Tides of War, and has since come back a couple of times. This time, the mode features a few tweaks and changes. It will be available from tomorrow through to the end of Week 4 of the current chapter of Tides of War.
Battlefield 5 Rush is Returning (With a Few Changes)
DICE recently shared details of the new changes to the returning Battlefield 5 Rush mode on Reddit. According to developers from the studio, the three custom maps which feature in Rush have been given a rework in line with player feedback. In fact, it seems that many players wanted the mode to be more akin to the original Battlefield 3 Rush. “We’ve had another look at the numbers, metrics, and setups of BF3,” writes DICE’s Matthias Wagner; “and incorporated them into Battlefield V’s version of Rush.”

Overall, fans can expect the Rush maps to be longer/deeper, with reworked Fortifications and cover. Sectors have also been moved around on the maps to improve the core playing spaces. Additionally, artillery will no longer feature as a call-in in Rush. It will still be available as a Reinforcement, but not in any other capacity. The actual objective artillery cannons on the maps have been made smaller so that players can’t use them to hide as easily. Additionally, DICE has reduced the number of tanks in the mode significantly. “We do believe that vehicles have a place in this gamemode,” continues Wagner; “but with only 32 players and a more narrow playground we need to be more careful since they can heavily change balance of a sector.”
As a result of this, the Narvik map will now only support tanks in its first sector. Meanwhile, Twisted Steel will only offer the attackers a tank in the first sector. (Defenders will be able to get a tank in the last sector.) Finally, Devastation will no longer offer any tanks at all.