Rumor: Job Posting Confirms Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel is In the Works

Is there going to be a sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn on PlayStation 5? There has been plenty of speculation, and it is easy to assume at this point it is probably a given. The game was a massive success and left players hungry for more. But now, some convincing evidence has emerged in the form of a recent job posting. Also, going by the description in the listing, it seems like development on a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel could already be in progress.

What the Job Posting Hinted About a Potential Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel

The job posting for a “Technical Vegetation Artist” appeared directly on the Guerilla Games website. You can read the entire posting if you want, but here is the relevant snippet:

“Within Guerrilla, we have four teams dedicated to creating the stunning environments of Horizon. One team focuses on the creation of lush and stunning vegetation. We build these 3D models from scratch, so our world dressing teams can deliver our immersive world with industry-benchmark graphics.”

Note how Guerilla writes “we have four teams” in the present tense. This would seem to imply that there are four teams presently hard at work on Horizon-related environments such as those which might be found in a sequel. In fact, it is pretty hard to think about what else this could even be, if not a sequel.

So, while this job posting is not an official confirmation of a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel for PlayStation 5, it seems like the next closest thing. Going by what we read, we can pretty confidently declare that a sequel is almost certainly under development as we speak, and we should be hearing more about it soon.

So, as you wait for more news on a potential Horizon Zero Dawn sequel, visit our PlayStation news section. There you can catch up on the latest rumors and updates for the PS5 and games we might be seeing on the next-gen console. You can also find out about current sales over at the PlayStation Store.