There is a Smarter Way to Use Ziplines in Apex Legends

There are good reasons to use ziplines in Apex Legends. But there are also reasons to avoid them. While a zipline improves your mobility with respect to some movements, it also restricts you along the line itself. That makes it easy for your opponents to take a shot at you. But what if there were a way you could make it harder for them to hit you? It turns out that there is a smarter, safer way to use ziplines.

Here is How to use Ziplines in Apex Legends More Safely

A Reddit user called acd_18 posted a cool trick for making better use of ziplines, along with a video showing how it’s done:

acd_18 writes, “I told my friend to throw his ult to make it a double zip, it makes it almost impossible to get hit if you’re ever trying to push. Felt bad for the Bangalore lol.”

So, it turns out to be a pretty simple trick, but an effective one. Once you have two ziplines to ride instead of one, you can jump between them as necessary to avoid bullets. With just one zipline, if you attempted to dodge a bullet in such a fashion, you’d obviously just fall. With two ziplines, you restore the option of lateral movement, and you can take a serpentine path between the bullets. Of course, it isn’t easy, and requires some finesse.

So, there you go. That is a pretty cool trick, and it makes ziplines in Apex Legends significantly more functional. In other Apex Legends news, a developer at Respawn recently explained why some weapons and Legends become overpowered after updates. Also, don’t miss out on the chance to snag the Tribal Instinct skin for Gibraltar. Check back with us soon for more Apex Legends updates, and enjoy dodging bullets while using ziplines!