Sony Has a 10-Year Vision for Dreams

If you have been following the development of the PlayStation 4 exclusive Dreams, you may be wondering what is going on with the game. As an experimental title allowing users to create and share game content, Dreams has received a lot of anticipation. Nonetheless, its full release seems almost to have disappeared off Sony’s radar. Thankfully, Sony has finally spoken up about the game and its future.

What is In Store for Dreams in the Future?

It was Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida who had something to say about Dreams while he was talking with PlayStation Asia. Calling it one of his “favorite projects ever,” he said that Sony has the long view in mind with it. In fact, there is apparently a “10 year vision” for its continuing evolution.

This may come as a relief to anyone who plays or is thinking about playing Dreams. In April 2019, an “Early Access” form of the game released, but there still hasn’t been a formal “full” form released, nor does there appear to be a date for such a release set.

In fact, it has led a lot of people to wonder if there ever will be one, or if Sony has simply abandoned further development on the project. But a “10 year vision” certainly sounds ambitious. It also is a refreshing timeframe from a company in an industry which is always focused on getting gamers to buy the next new thing, not keep playing an older game.

Then again, Dreams is a different type of game. It is focused on what users can create. With players putting a lot of time and work into their creations, Sony knows that they are going to be especially attached to Dreams.

It is also interesting to hear this announcement with the PS4 generation coming to a close and PlayStation 5 on the horizon. It seems to imply that it is Sony’s intent to ensure that this game not only continues to bring value to PS4 gamers who have purchased it, but that it also will deliver a great experience to players on PS5.

We probably will be learning a lot more about PlayStation 5 in the near future. But hopefully, if we are lucky, we will also be hearing more about what Sony has in store for Dreams. Keep up with our PlayStation news section to find out more about PS5, Dreams and other PlayStation exclusives.