Tales From the Borderlands, released in 2014 by Telltale Games, received critical acclaim when it originally launched. However, when Telltale went bankrupt in 2018, Tales From the Borderlands was pulled from sale. It has been unavailable ever since, but now, Gearbox has announced that it has acquired the rights to the title. The studio is planning to re-release the game later this month, after more than two years in limbo.
The Return of Tales From the Borderlands
Like other Telltale games, Tales From the Borderlands was released in an episodic format. There were five episodes in total, releasing from November 2014 to October 2015. Whilst the game takes place on Pandora, and features many of the more familiar characters from the series, it has a style of gameplay far more akin to other Telltale titles; focusing heavily on story, dialogue, and decision-making rather than combat.
Telltale Games shut down in September of 2018, after the last of its investors pulled out. When the studio collapsed, most of its games became unavailable. The rights to some were later reacquired by other companies and re-released; Skybound, for example, republished Telltale’s The Walking Dead in 2019. However, other titles like Tales From the Borderlands disappeared completely; it has been impossible to buy the game ever since. However, Gearbox has officially announced plans to republish the game; indicating that it has at last acquired the rights to the former Telltale title.
Tales From the Borderlands will be releasing later this month, on the 17th of February. It will be launching on both PlayStation and Xbox consoles, as well as PC. On the latter, it will be available on Steam and the Epic Games Store. This release includes all five of the original episodes in a single bundle. Unlike the original game, you won’t be able to buy any episodes individually. Interestingly, if you already own an old copy of the game, or even only some of the original episodes, then you’ll be able to transfer your save files into the new release. This will work even across console generations.