The Little Fetus Doom Is The New Way To Protest In Argentina

If you want to pass a specific moral message, you should do it right. An advocate in Argentina certainly knew how to protest right, and he chose the best way to do it. The Little Fetus Doom that was taken right from a Doom mod raised awareness since more people contributed to the cause.

On International Women’s Day in Argentina, women were fighting for abortion rights. The march had 500,000 people protesting against the legalization of the abortion procedure. This year Argentina’s government announced the possibility of passing such legislation. Currently, abortion is legal in Argentina in cases where pregnancy is endangering the mother’s health. Therefore, the legalization of the abortions for all instances infuriated people who chose to protest against it.

When a local game developer going by the name of Florencia Rumpel chose to take part in the march, she did it uniquely. She was holding a Doom Fetito, as she called it, which came right from the Doom mod she had created in the past. The Little Fetus Doom stood out among the people who were in the march.

Ironically, Rumpel’s Doom mod was about a woman who found out that she was pregnant and had to go through a process to decide what to do. The character had to settle for an abortion through various illicit means. Rumpel used Twine to create the mod, and she said that she thought that Doom Fetito was fitting for this cause.

Florencia Rumpel got the idea for such a mod when she read a tweet that was comparing a Half-Life boss to a cardboard fetus. It is evident in the pictures that she chose to make the fetus big in the game for the mother to know exactly what she will be giving up. Additionally, bringing something like this to the march was a brilliant idea and a fitting one. Plus, a scary one – very appropriate for a franchise like Doom.