Among the various weapon categories in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Launchers are unquestionably the most powerful. Only two Launchers are available in-game at launch. However, both offer unparalleled destructive potential, making them ideal for destroying enemy armoured vehicles.
“This secondary weapon category isn’t built for accuracy,” writes Activision; “Rather, the Launcher class, a collection of tools that fire explosive rounds, are best used against enemy equipment, vehicles, or Scorestreaks. Alternatively, you can free-fire certain launchers at groups of enemies with explosive results.”
The Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Launchers
All told, there are two Launchers available in the category itself. However, there is also a single grenade launcher, which is currently the only weapon in the separate Special Weapons category. Future Special Weapons are likely to be quite different – the game’s campaign features a bow, for example, which would likely fall into the Special group. Nonetheless, the M79 grenade launcher is worth considering alongside the Launchers.
- Cigma 2 (Launcher – Alpha): The first Launcher which players will unlock in Black Ops Cold War, the Cigma 2 features both free-fire and lock-on functionality. If you aim down sights at a vehicle or Scorestreak, it will lock on, letting you fire a homing rocket. Alternatively, the free-fire mode doesn’t lock on, but you can fire more quickly against stationary targets or to pin down infantry.
- RPG-7 (Launcher – Bravo): Once you reach Level 40, you’ll unlock the second Launcher, the RPG-7. Unlike the more reliable Cigma 2, this Launcher doesn’t feature any homing capabilities. Its accuracy also falls short of that of the Cigma 2, especially at long range. However, the RPG-7 boasts considerably higher damage. If you want to destroy a tank, the RPG-7 is likely the most effective option in the game.
- M79 (Special Weapon – Alpha): The M79 is the only grenade launcher currently usable in multiplayer. Rather than firing rockets in a straight line, the M79 launches grenades in a parabolic arc. This provides it the advantage of being able to fire over intervening cover. While its grenades remain effective weapons against vehicles, it is arguably more effective against infantry, with more ammunition, a faster fire rate, etc. Once you unlock it at Level 52, it offers a more versatile explosive weapon than a pure Launcher, which some players may prefer.