There Are Now UFO Objects in Fortnite as Meteor Impact Seems Imminent

The culmination of a huge Fortnite mystery could be on its way, thanks to some recent developments in terms of the game’s “meteor” crisis that it’s been facing over the last few weeks. If you haven’t been keeping up, fans have been concerned about the meteors that have been spotted popping up in the sky over the Tilted Towers area in-game. Recently, additional meteors began springing up here and there, and now today marks the sighting of several UFO-shaped objects dotting the sky, which you can see below.

Of course, as expected Epic Games hasn’t said anything about the situation just yet. This new development, however, in tandem with another peculiar sighting, spells out something ominous for Fortnite in general, or perhaps Tilted Towers only, as fans have speculated for some time. As eagle-eyed Redditor colinix pointed out, there are a few “decorations” on one of the Tilted Towers’ rooftops.

Fortnite Alien UFO

The signs appear to reference impending doom for Tilted Towers, or at the very least some area in the game, as they clearly show a meteor, aliens, and even a sign that says “today,” which has been scratched out and replaced with “tomorrow.” That could be a cheeky reference to fans waiting with bated breath for the next Fortnite development, or it could potentially mean we could see something game-changing occurring as early as tomorrow.

Whatever the case may be, fans are likely ready to put this whole situation to rest, and either watch Tilted Towers be decimated or see an entirely new game area rise from its ashes. Or maybe it’s just time for aliens to invade in another weird Fortnite twist. We’ll have to keep waiting and remain patient until the jig is, as they say, up.