If you are planning on purchasing a PlayStation 5 at lunch, or if you have already pre-ordered one, there is an important limitation that you should be aware of. PS5 storage at launch cannot be expanded. Thankfully, this situation should be temporary. Let’s go over more details regarding PS5 storage.
PS5 Storage at Launch Cannot be Expanded
According to Sony, there will not be any way that you can expand the storage capacity for the PlayStation 5 SSD at this time. Eventually, Sony will correct this problem, but the company has not said when it will do that. The capability to expand the SSD storage capacity should come through an update of some kind.
So, can you remedy the problem by buying an external drive to use with your PlayStation 5? Hypothetically, the answer to that question that might be yes. But the thing is, there’s no way to know at this point of time which external drives, if any, will be compatible with the PS5. For that reason, it probably is not worth it to take the risk of a large financial purchase for a drive that you might get no use out of. Plus, if you wait just a little bit longer, you should have more options. What are the chances that you will run out of space before Sony manages to take care of this issue? It could happen, but for a lot of gamers, it seems unlikely.
It is an annoyance that there is no way to expand PS5 storage at lunch, but it should not be a massive inconvenience for the majority of players. Are you looking for other PlayStation 5 news? Visit our PlayStation news section for the latest rumors and reports regarding the console, the controller, and more.