During the 8th of June, Bandai Namco and DONTNOD, the creators of Life is Strange and the recent vampire hit, Vampyr, released a trailer about their upcoming game, Twin Mirror. Twin Mirror looks like the kind of narrative heavy game players love and considering it is being made by DONTNOD, we don’t feel that fans will have much reason to worry about the game living up to fans expectations.
However, it’s only been recently that new details have emerged on what the game will be about. Thankfully for you lovely readers, we’re here to help answer any questions you may have. Any more information received in the future about Twin Mirror will be addressed in later articles.
What is Twin Mirror?
Described as a ‘phycological thriller’, you’ll play the role of Sam, a guy who’s recovering from a recent break-up. So it’s safe to say you aren’t in the best headspace right now. He returns home to attend a funeral of a friend, only something goes terribly wrong. Sam wakes up in his hotel room with a shirt covered in blood and no memories of the previous night. It is up to the player to discover what happened.
Where is Twin Mirror set?
Twin Mirror is set in the town of Basswood, West Virginia.
Is this set in the Life is Strange universe like Captain Spirit?
It hasn’t been confirmed whether it is or whether it isn’t. But we can assume that it isn’t due to the different art style.
Will there just be one narrative or will we have choices to change it?
Sam has more than one fate. Memories, choices, and relationships will change it depending on how you play. Sam will need your help on this dark, emotional journey. Will you help or hinder him?
When does Twin Mirror come out?
It will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, and PC sometime in 2019.