Use This Calculator To Determine Your Running Time in Fortnite

When it comes to popular and competitive video games, folks will spend a lot of time micromanaging their time and figuring out ways to improve their play. That’s why it shouldn’t come as any surprise that one specific Fortnite player has created a special calculator that can help you calculate the run time from any point on the map to another, which means you should never technically have to get caught in the storm again…unless you want to for some reason. But that’s silliness.

Redditor Yogsther got to work on the tool to help players analyze data from their old games to improve their play going forward. It’s pretty simple to use, even if you’re not someone who typically uses these sorts of things. You can use a map to place the points you desire to plot from point A to point B to figure out the exact distance between one area and another. You can use a grid to help finding the locations you need to calculate on the map, you can try it all out for free right here, courtesy of the talented Reddit user who put it together.

Unfortunately, the map is currently a very early prototype and it doesn’t take any elevation into account when plotting the course. It’s also pretty frustrating to use on mobile, but that may hopefully change in the future.

In the meantime, get to know your paths for Season 4, which just began, and the new Avengers-themed Infinity Gauntlet Mode, which introduces Thanos into the game as of tomorrow. There’s a lot coming down the line, so it’s an exciting time to be a Fortnite fan.