The recent Valve leaked numbers gave us insights into various big titles. Of course, Bethesda’s games were on the list, showing their strength among other popular video games. DOOM was also on the list to remind us that no matter how many years have passed, it will always remain powerful and playable at all times and situations.
Steam contains a lot of big video games fans are obsessing over. Recently, an unfortunate event occurred where every Steam game’s total count of players was exposed to the public. Although Valve quickly managed to erase the leaked files, they had already made it to the public eye.
Through this leak, we saw some fascinating numbers for games we never expected to have so many active players. We should disclaim at this point that those numbers were for the players that had played these games at least once. That means that players who just bought the game but have not launched it yet are excluded. DOOM’s audience has always been big due to its broad popularity and the fact that it is an old game. However, the fact that it has over a million active players is genuinely astounding. The exact leaked player count of DOOM is 3,197,626. Of course, the Valve leak happened after the Steam Summer Sales. That just means that some of these players may have just started to play the game. Nevertheless, the number continues to surprise us, because we are talking about a 2016 game.
With DOOM Eternal around the corner, it is only natural that gamers have started buying the game to keep up with this vast Bethesda franchise. Even players who have already played the DOOM games are playing them again to remember everything that happened in the previous titles. If DOOM Eternal’s numbers get leaked after its official release, we would not be surprised if the number surpasses that of the 3,197,626.