Yet another vampire clan has joined the playable roster of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. For its latest reveal, publisher Paradox has confirmed the return of the Ventrue clan. Dedicated fans might recall the Ventrue were also featured in the original Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Ventrue Clan

The Ventrue are more formally known as the ‘Clan of Kings.’ Powerful vampire leaders, be they high priests, emperors, or modern-day CEO’s, typically hail from the Ventrue clan. Venture may sometimes come off as pompous or arrogant, but that’s only because they know the importance of their role. All vampires know that maintaining the Masquerade is of upmost importance. Who better to do so than those with a talent for wielding power?
Here’s an official description of the Ventrue clan courtesy of this synopsis page from the Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 website:
“Historically, Seattle has been the site of many industrial booms, and of course, the Ventrue have been there to capitalize on its fortunes. As more and more billion-dollar corporations shape the local and global landscape, enterprising Ventrue have entrenched themselves in the businesses of the 21st century, paving the way for a prosperous future for their clan… and making enemies of the residents who preferred the way things used to be.”
As with other vampire clans like the Tremere and Toreador, Ventrue clan members receive a suite of unique vampire powers. These powers join the existing Thinblood powers the player already has.
Ventrue powers are divided into two disciplines: Dominate and Fortitude
- Mesmerize – Put a single NPC target into a deep hypnotic trance. The target will not react at all to sound, touch, or pain.
- Command – A mesmerized NPC can be ordered to perform basic tasks like moving to a location or attacking another NPC.
- Absorb – Enter a brief defensive stance wherein you auto-deflect all incoming attacks. Each deflected attack also heals you for a small amount.
- Personal Armor – Your skin hardens until it is virtually as hard as stone. Upgrades to the power cause any enemy who strikes you with a melee attack to recoil and stagger back.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is set to launch in early 2020.