Paradox Interactive is continuing to slowly filter out new details regarding its upcoming RPG Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. We’ve already gotten a glimpse of the Brujah and Thinblood clans, but now two more clans have joined the lineup. Read on to find out more about the magic-wielding Tremere and charismatic Toreador clans.
Vampire: The Masquerade 2 Tremere and Toreador Clans

The Tremere are basically warlocks who have tapped into an extremely dark (even by vampire standards) form of blood magic. According to their official synopsis page, they can channel that blood magic into two distinct disciplines: Thaumaturgy and Auspex. Each discipline grants access to unique blood magic powers as outlined below:
- Skewer – Launch a small portion of blood which erupts into damaging spikes when it hits the ground.
- Purge – Target an enemy and cause them violently throw up blood, causing heavy damage.
- Blood Boil – Your target’s blood explodes from within, killing them and damaging any nearby enemies as well.
- Aura Sense – While active, Aura Sense allows you to see NPC’s through walls and mark specific targets to track them. During combat you can also use Aura Sense to detect your foe’s weaknesses.
- Psychic Projection – You can mentally detach from your physical body and explore the surrounding area in astral form. While in astral form you can also mark targets with Aura Sense or telepathically assail enemies.
Those within the Toreador clan, meanwhile, are basically the hedonists of Bloodline 2’s world. Their obsession with physical beauty makes their first discipline, Presence, totally unsurprising. The second Toreador discipline, Celerity, is something they share with the Brujah clan.
- Awe – Instantly charm all nearby NPC’s, leaving them in a temporary stupor of wonder.
- Entrance – Bid a group of previously awed targets to follow you and perform minor tasks like distracting enemies.
- Unseen Storm – Dash with blazing speed, allowing you to easily avoid enemy attacks and counter-attack as needed. Dashing directly into enemies also knocks them down.
- Accelerate – Move so quickly that everything around you seems to slow down to a crawl. While in this accelerated state you can easily dodge bullets and attack with impunity.
Players will get to join both the Tremere and Toreador clans when Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 launches next March.