Today, May 8th, marked the start of Week 2 of Battle Royale Season 4 in Fortnite—and already we are seeing some new mysteries cropping up. A number of players have stumbled across a new feature in the Wailing Woods, what looks to be some kind of vault or even a garage in the ground.
No, the vault doesn’t say, “4 8 15 16 23 42,” but it does have some writing scribbled on the back. It’s pretty much impossible to discern what it says. It looks like it may include some kind of symbols.
You can just barely peek through the small windows, but not enough to make any sense of the vault or what it contains.
What could it mean? It does look suspiciously like a garage door, so could vehicles be on the way? Or is it something else entirely? Does it tie into this season, or could it have something to do with next season? Only time will tell. Head on over to the Wailing Woods to investigate it yourself, and be sure to drop us a line if you find anything new.