What to Expect in the Upcoming Apex Legends Ranked Series 4

Apex Legends Season 5 – Fortune’s Favour – is due to launch in just over a week’s time, bringing a new Legend and more to the game. Of course, the launch also coincides with the start of a new Ranked Series; Apex Legends Ranked Series 4. Although there are a few small changes coming in this new Series, it seems that Respawn is largely happy with where things stand at present.

What’s Changing in Apex Legends Ranked Series 4

Apex Legends Ranked Series 3, which ran parallel to Series 4, was the first to feature a split halfway through the Series. This split featured a map change, as well as a soft reset of player ranks. Now that the Series has come to an end, it seems that Respawn is happy with how the split turned out. As such, splits will be staying, with around 6 weeks of play before each reset. Additionally, Series 4 will also switch maps mid-way through the season. The tier changes which also went into effect in Series 3 will be staying too.

Apex Legends Ranked Series 4 Details

As such, Apex Legends Ranked Series 4 shouldn’t feel too different from Series 3. However, that’s not to say that there won’t be any changes at all. Respawn’s current primary goal is apparently to create a; “true measure of skill in Apex Legends,” which requires them to monitor the rank statistics very closely. While the tiers won’t initially be changing going into Series 4, it’s possible that they could be tweaked over time, or after the first split.

One issue which seems to be getting a lot of attention in ranked is that of Loss Forgiveness. Respawn isn’t changing anything about Loss Forgiveness initially, although it could receive some tweaks later in Series 4, but they have published a very detailed breakdown of how Loss Forgiveness works so that all players can understand exactly how it works. Respawn has also announced that reconnect will be coming in Season 5, allowing players to rejoin a game if they get momentarily disconnected, and this could have an impact on how Loss Forgiveness works.