What Sekiro Kuro’s Charm Does and How to Get It Back

As you go about your challenging journey in Sekiro Shadow Dies Twice, you are going to collect lots of items like the Divine Confetti. This is all to help you on your way to unlocking one of the four endings like the true return ending. But one particular item is a little weird and that’s the Sekiro Kuro’s Charm item.

In this guide for Sekiro, we are going to go over everything you need to know about the Sekiro Kuro’s Charm item. This will let you know what it’s best used for and why you would want it. Of course, we are also going to answer some important questions like how to get it back. Without further ado, let’s grapple right in and take a look.

What Is Sekiro Kuro’s Charm?

Sekiro Kuro's Charm

For starters, this is a very important item for certain players who like a challenge. The item, much like ringing the bell, increases the difficulty of the overall game. While there is some debate about how exactly it makes things harder, it does regardless. As such, some players will want it and others won’t.

Now, it is possible to give back the Sekiro Kuro’s Charm item to Kuro in the game. This is what makes the game harder. If you do this, talking to him again won’t give it back to you. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get it back. It’s actually pretty easy to accomplish. All you need to do is unlock the Sculptor.

Once you have this NPC unlocked, speak with them and you will be able to get Sekiro Kuro’s Charm back. This will make the game once again slightly easier with the charm’s protection. It’s really up to you and depends on whether or not you want the added difficulty in this already challenging game.