Fortnite season eight is off to a strong start today. There are so many different challenges, changes to the map, new features, and so much more to enjoy before it ends. One of the new weekly challenges that are available right now is the Fortnite Pirate Camps challenge. This challenge is a pretty simple one but it can take a bit and it does require knowing where to look.
The weekly challenges for the first week of season eight are available right now. There are a total of seven challenges like always and four of them are for Battle Pass owners and three are free. One of the free ones is the Fortnite Pirate Camps challenge. Let’s dive right in from our Battle Bus and take a look at the solution to this week one challenge.
Where to Find Fortnite Pirate Camps
This season eight week one challenge tasks you with visiting seven pirate camps. They are scattered throughout the map and you need to actually physically walk into them for it to count. They are like big fortresses with the black pirate flag on it. You can find one northwest of Paradise Palms on the border with the grassy area.
You can find another on the huge hill just northwest of Fatal Fields. You can find the third of the Fortnite Pirate Camps in the snow northwest of Shifty Shafts. The fourth is available just slightly northwest and west of Dusty Divot. The fifth pirate camp is just a little southwest of Pleasant Park. The sixth pirate camp is west of Lazy Lagoon near the river to the north of it.
The seventh and final of the Fortnite Pirate Camps is just southwest of the large, new volcano. Once you visit all seven of these, you will complete this week one challenge and receive five battle stars.